May 30, 2016

Gedicht "hij likt zijn eigen hielen" door Rob Knetsch

Poem "a checkered flag" by Rob Knetsch

May 23, 2016

Artwork "Flowers 5" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2002 - Size: 91 x 62 cm - For sale

"Flowers" is a series of 50 variations. This artwork is the 5th variation in this series.

Overview of this series:

Poem "In this illusion" by Rob Knetsch

May 16, 2016

Gedicht "voor de dagen dat het regent" door Rob Knetsch

Poem "Just now" by Rob Knetsch

May 9, 2016

Artwork "Breakthrough 1" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2001 - For sale

"Breakthrough" is a series of 6 variations. This artwork is the 1st variation in this series.

Poem "Body of no interest" by Rob Knetsch