October 7, 2013

Gedicht "Samenzijn" door Rob Knetsch


September 30, 2013

Artwork "Soundscape VII/a" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2002 - Size: 91 x 61 cm - For sale

"Soundscape" is a series of 25 artworks divided into 10 sub-series, each containing multiple variations.
This artwork is the first variation in sub-series VII (seven), which contains 2 variations.

September 23, 2013

Gedicht "Als een flits" door Rob Knetsch

Poem "They all pay the price" by Rob Knetsch

September 16, 2013

Artwork "Two men and a bike 6" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2002 - Size: 91 x 68 cm - For sale

"Two men and a bike" is a series of 6 variations. This artwork is the 6th variation in this series.

September 9, 2013

Gedicht "Afluisterschandaal" door Rob Knetsch

Eerder als tweetfeuilleton #3 gepubliceerd op twitter, als onderdeel van de tweetfeuilletons.

Poem "I am Denny Crane" by Rob Knetsch

This poem is inspired by the character Denny Crane from the TV series "Boston legal".