January 26, 2015

Gedicht "LAAT HET" door Rob Knetsch

Poem "For all moments to" by Rob Knetsch

This poem is inspired by the track “For all moments to” from the CD “Move” from my music project Beudeker/Knetsch. Click here to read more about this CD.

January 19, 2015

Poem "Tell Darrant" by Rob Knetsch

The title of this poem is based on the name of the character “Del Tarrant” from the SCI-FI series "Blakes 7".

Artwork "Abstract III/a" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2001 - Size: 69 x 89 cm - For sale

"Abstracts" is a series of 7 artworks and variations. This artwork is the 3rd artwork in this series.

January 12, 2015

Poem "if only we all could be charlie" by Rob Knetsch

"Je suis Charlie"

Gedicht "rommel" door Rob Knetsch

January 5, 2015

Artwork "Flowers 2" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2002 - Size: 91 x 62 cm - For sale

"Flowers" is a series of 50 variations. This artwork is the 2nd variation in this series.

Overview of this series:

Poem "Trembling waves resonate" by Rob Knetsch