April 25, 2016

Artwork "Crossing street 3" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2004 - Size: 91 x 62 cm - For sale

"Crossing street" is a series of 6 variations. This artwork is the 3th variation in this series.

Poem "promenade" by Rob Knetsch

April 18, 2016

Gedicht "als een dweil" door Rob Knetsch

Poem "End of day" by Rob Knetsch

April 11, 2016

Artwork "Marshmellow II" by Rob Knetsch

Year: 2002 - Size: 91 x 105 cm - For sale

"Marshmellow" is a series of 4 variations. This artwork is the 2nd variation in this series.

Poem "Powderking" by Rob Knetsch

April 4, 2016

Gedicht "het rad" door Rob Knetsch

Poem "Rover?" by Rob Knetsch